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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - assume


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 transitive verb  (~d; assuming)  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin ~re, from ad- + sumere to takemore at consume  Date: 15th century  1.  a. to take up or in ; receive  b. to take into partnership, employment, or use  2.  a. to take to or upon oneself ; undertake ~ responsibility  b. put on, don  c. to place oneself in ~ a position  3. seize, usurp ~ control  4. to pretend to have or be ; feign ~d an air of confidence in spite of her dismay  5. to take as granted or true ; suppose I ~ he'll be there  6. to take over (the debts of another) as one's own  • assumability noun  • assumable adjective  • assumably adverb Synonyms:  ~, affect, pretend, simulate, feign, counterfeit, sham mean to put on a false or deceptive appearance. ~ often implies a justifiable motive rather than an intent to deceive ~d an air of cheerfulness around the patients. affect implies making a false show of possessing, using, or feeling affected an interest in art. pretend implies an overt and sustained false appearance pretended that nothing had happened. simulate suggests a close imitation of the appearance of something cosmetics that simulate a suntan. feign implies more artful invention than pretend less specific mimicry than simulate feigned sickness. counterfeit implies achieving the highest degree of verisimilitude of any of these words an actor counterfeiting drunkenness. sham implies an obvious falseness that fools only the gullible shammed a most unconvincing limp.
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  v.tr. 1 (usu. foll. by that + clause) take or accept as being true, without proof, for the purpose of argument or action. 2 simulate or pretend (ignorance etc.). 3 undertake (an office or duty). 4 take or put on oneself or itself (an aspect, attribute, etc.) (the problem assumed immense proportions). 5 (usu. foll. by to) arrogate, usurp, or seize (credit, power, etc.) (assumed to himself the right of veto). Derivatives assumable adj. assumedly adv. Etymology: ME f. L assumere (as AD-, sumere sumpt- take) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  допускать; предполагать assume real values — принимать действительные значения ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  гл. 1) принимать на себя, присваивать (себе), приобретать 2) предполагать, допускать • - assume a dominating role - assume a liability - assume a responsibility - assume a risk - assume an obligation - assume control over - assume liability - assume obligations - assume primary responsibility for smth. - assume responsibility - assume risk ASSUME 1) принимать на себя 2) предполагать, допускать – to assume the measures – to assume the responsibility ASSUME гл. 1) а) общ. принимать, брать на себя (ответственность, риск, управление и т. д.) to assume a responsibility — брать на себя ответственность to assume a risk — брать на себя риск to assume control over — брать на себя контроль (над) to assume charge of a business — принять на себя ведение дел (например, фирмы) to assume the command — принимать командование to assume a dominating role — взять на себя главную роль assume an obligation — принимать на себя обязательство б) общ. предпринимать to assume measures — принять меры to assume the offensive — перейти в наступление в) общ. присваивать (право и т. п.), узурпировать (например, власть) to assume a right to — присвоить право на что-либо to assumed the reins of government — узурпировать власть he assumed a new name — он принял псевдоним вымышленное имя 2) общ. допускать, предполагать let us assume that... — допустим, что… Assume the contrary. — Допустим противное обратное. He is not such a fool as you assumed him to be. — Он не такой дурак,...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. принимать, брать (на себя) to assume responsibility —- взять на себя ответственность to assume charge of a business —- принять на себя ведение дел (фирмы) to assume the command —- воен. принимать командование 2. предпринимать to assume measures —- принять меры to assume the offensive —- воен. перейти в наступление 3. присваивать, узурпировать to assume a right to oneself —- присвоить себе право he assumed the reins of government —- он узурпировал власть he assumed a new name —- он принял псевдоним(вымышленное имя) 4. предполагать, допускать let us assume that this is true —- допустим, что это правда to assume his innocence (him to be innocent), that he is innocent —- исходить из предположенияо его невиновности (что он не виновен) he is not such a fool as you assumed him to be —- он не такой дурак, каким вы его считаете assuming her surmises are true... —- если исходить из того, что ее предположения правильны... assuming it rains tomorrow what shall we do? —- предположим (допустим), завтра пойдет дождь, что мы будем делать? 5. притворяться, напускать на себя to assume a look of innocence —- принять невинный вид to assume airs —- напускать на себя важность, важничать they assumed to have knowledge of the fact —- они заявили, что (они) якобы знают об этом факте 6. важничать, вести себя высокомерно 7. принимать (определенный характер, форму) to assume the original form —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) принимать на себя; присваивать себе - assume responsibility - assume command - assume control - assume office  2) принимать (характер, форму) his illness assumed a very grave character - его болезнь приняла очень серьезный характер  3) напускать на себя; притворяться; симулировать to assume airs - напускать на себя важность, важничать  4) предполагать, допускать let us assume that... - допустим, что...  5) быть самонадеянным, высокомерным to assume measures - принимать меры to assume the offensive mil. - перейти в наступление Syn: see suppose ASSUME a mask притворяться, скрывать свои истинные намерения; ASSUME command принимать командование ASSUME control взять на себя управление (чем-либо) ASSUME obligations принимать обязательства ASSUME office вступать в должность ASSUME responsibility брать на себя ответственность ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (assumes, assuming, assumed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you assume that something is true, you imagine that it is true, sometimes wrongly. It is a misconception to assume that the two continents are similar... If mistakes occurred, they were assumed to be the fault of the commander on the spot... ‘Today?’—‘I’d assume so, yeah.’ = presume VERB: V that, be V-ed to-inf, V so 2. If someone assumes power or responsibility, they take power or responsibility. Mr Cross will assume the role of Chief Executive with a team of four directors... VERB: V n 3. If something assumes a particular quality, it begins to have that quality. In his dreams, the mountains assumed enormous importance. = take on VERB: V n 4. You can use let us assume or let’s assume when you are considering a possible situation or event, so that you can think about the consequences. Let us assume those clubs actually win something. Then players will receive large bonuses... Let’s assume for a moment that I am a litigant in your court. PHRASE: PHR that see also assuming ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 to think that something is true, although you have no proof of it  (assume (that))  (I didn't see your car, so I assumed you'd gone out. | Assuming that the proposal is accepted, when are we going to get the money? | we can safely assume (=used to say that something is certain to happen))  (I think we can safely assume that interest rates will go up again soon. | assume guilt/innocence (=assume that someone is guilty or not guilty of a crime)) 2 assume control/power/responsibilities etc to start to do a job, especially an important one  (The President assumes his new responsibilities in January.) 3 assume a manner/air/expression etc formal to behave in a way that does not show how you really feel, especially in order to seem more confident, cheerful etc than you are  (Andy assumed an air of indifference whenever her name was mentioned.) 4 to start to have a particular quality or appearance  (The problem is beginning to assume massive proportions.) 5 to be based on the idea that something else is correct; presuppose  (assume (that))  (Your theory assumes that we are willing to pay for services by taxation.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1436, "to receive up into heaven" (especially of the Virgin Mary), from L. assumere "to take up," from ad- "to, up" + sumere "to take." Early pp. was assumpt. Meaning "to suppose" is first recorded 1598. In rhetorical usage, assume expresses what the assumer postulates, often as a confessed hypothesis; presume expresses what the presumer really believes. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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